The world has become infected with the virus of sexual addiction and pornography. The material presented on our TV screens grows darker and more explicit each year. In addition to that the internet provides free passage into darker territory still. This virus is deadly, and millions are already slowly dying inside from its insidious effects.
This book is an antidote to the present pornographic epidemic. It is a message of hope and not despair. It gives the reader valuable information on how the “virus” of sexual addiction originates and what keeps it alive. Better still, it presents practical and godly ways in which freedom from this bondage can be found. It tells the stories of men and women who have escaped the trap of compulsive addictions to live healthy, productive, fruitful lives.
If you or anyone you know is struggling with these issues, this book will give you the necessary tools to break free and know complete healing and deliverance.
Alvin –
In all of my 12 years in ministry and my own journey for Wholeness in Christ, very few people have been able to simplify and illuminate the process of healing from what I hate to call “common” or “typical” sexual brokenness in our culture as Signa and Conlee. It is a dangerous time now for believers because we can grow so quickly numb to the bombardment of sexual distortions in our society. Even the other day I noticed Disney cartoons making sexual references that I wonder many believing parents would overlook or even laugh at. This book helped me and others to further our understanding for just how subtle evil is, yet how much God desires to heal and what that healing looks like. Please consider this book. If you are struggling with, have dealt with or are being tempted in any areas of pornography or living with someone who is, this book could seriously change your life. God bless.