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Pills for the Soul? Dieter. K. Mulitze


(7 customer reviews)

Are pills and medication really God’s best for dealing with our emotional state? Should we simply accept the world’s wisdom that our emotions are controlled by chemicals in our brain and body? This compelling and unbiased read doesn’t condemn those who use psychiatric medicines, yet gracefully informs the reader of the abundant freedom found in Christ from broken emotions.

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Are pills and medication really God’s best for dealing with our emotional state? Should we simply accept the world’s wisdom that our emotions are controlled by chemicals in our brain and body? Should we believe that pills are the best way for treatment? Do anti-depressants reach the root of emotional crisis?

This well balanced book intelligently tackles these complex questions. It challenges the widely accepted practices of modern psychiatry in dealing with issues such as depression, mood swings and bi-polar disorders.  These and other conditions that are alarmingly on the increase in our modern day, stress filled society.

In an age where reliance on medication has reached epic proportions, Pills for the Soul? demonstrates with powerful personal testimonies, scientific reasoning and theological argument that there is another way.

The author effectively debunks much of the so-called science that seeks to explain away our emotions and soul. Instead he points us back to the biblical understanding of our spirit, soul and body.

This compelling book does not condemn those who use psychiatric medicine. It sensitively guides those in deep need to the abundant way to freedom in emotional healing, which is through Jesus Christ.

Additional information

Weight 0,436 kg
Dimensions 14 × 2,3 × 21,6 cm
About Author

Dieter K. Mulitze completed a Master of Christian Studies degree,with a concentration in spiritual theology, from Regent College,Vancouver, BC. Dieter holds a PhD in quantitative genetics from the University of Saskatchewan. Responding to God's call,Dieter has become increasingly involved in the ministry of healing prayer for the whole person and has been ordained into the ministry of the gospel. He has authored three books on healing prayer. Dieter has taught courses at Christian colleges, spoken at conferences and churches and has conducted seminars on healing prayer and related topics. Since 1998, Dieter has been a director of Deeper Love Ministries, a Christian ministry for advancing spiritual wholeness, healing and growth in individuals, based on the model and ministry of Jesus Christ. He has a strong passion for equipping Christians in the local church for the ministry of healing prayer. Dieter and his wife Ellen live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. They have one daughter, Karissa.

More information is available on the author's blog:




October 2008

7 reviews for Pills for the Soul? Dieter. K. Mulitze

  1. Dr. Deborah Proverbs

    Dr. Dieter K Mulitze (PhD) has written a thoroughly researched and inspired book, outlining the reality of the present day major global mental health crisis, and challenges the pharmaceutical paradigm under which psychiatry is currently practiced.

    As a Christian he also challenges the Church to rise up and fully embrace the Lord’s presence and power and receive and administer healing where the mental health system cannot. I have heard the author speak; his robust teachings, and inspired testimonies through ‘Deeper Love Ministries’, are producing outcomes that expand beyond current psychiatric expectations. He acknowledges that there is nothing greater for healing and restoration of the soul than the love of Jesus and makes the point that this cannot be replaced by medication, which produces another set of problems.

    The book was published in 2008, before “ its time” in my estimation! Ten years later, with the exponential rise in need for healing of so-called mental illness among Christians and others who are suffering and distressed, now is the time more than ever to embrace this research and receive this message of hope, love, and truth, central to all healing recovery, and put these teachings into practice to strengthen both the Church and the wider global community. I recommend this book to fellow believers, professionals in mental health and medicine, suffering families and their loved ones alike.

  2. Mickey Best

    Serving as a pastor and chaplain for a couple of decades, I’ve grown increasingly suspicious of the many labels and the proliferation of medications for issues thoroughly dealt with in scripture. This author gives articulate expression combined with thorough research to my vague hunches. Thank you! Very excited to share with many friends who might reconsider their dependence on psychiatric drugs.

  3. Jennifer Bender

    A must read for the many suffering with mental illnesses.

    This book is a must for any Christian struggling with emotional problems and Mental Illness. I struggled for years with what many Psychiatrists had diagnosed with Bipolar Mood Disorder, and with an addiction to cutting. Most people had given up on me and had no idea how to help me. Pills for the Soul helps its reader to understand how to access Jesus as the answer to mental illness, no matter how severe. It takes restoring the emotions out of psychiatric hospitals and gives it its rightful place back in a Christ-centered, prayer-filled environment. I was very afraid at first to be disappointed, but I am glad that I persevered and I have been medication free for five years now and I praise God for bringing me to this place.

  4. Cartriona Paton

    This author has researched his subject well and the amazing testimonies add clout to his findings that drugs cannot heal the soul. Only Jesus Christ by the power of his Holy Spirit, can plumb the depths of our being, sending forth his truth and his light, to bring true peace that surpasses understanding, which ultimately brings him glory. Athough it was necessary to list statistics and theories, it made boring reading in some parts and a bit intellectual at times, however for the most part I enjoyed the book, and gained some useful insight which will be invaluable when ministering to the mentally ill.

  5. Joy Miller

    This was an interesting read but I felt it fell short answering all the questions I had about Mental problems and the solutions. This is just part of the equation.

  6. Susie Panayiotides

    As I read your book, I continually marvel at how a book could contain so much information and be so well researched and at the same time be so readable. Thank you for writing it!!! May the Lord bless you and your work,

  7. Goh Swee Eng

    A recent UN human rights office commission published Dainius Puras, professor of psychiatry, who wrote in a report on mental health “There is now unequivocal evidence of the failures of a system that relies too heavily on the biomedical model of mental health services …-New ways of thinking need to permeate the public sector, and mental health must be integrated into the whole of public policy. “ Our little understanding and drug treatment as the way to go has caused much disability in the lives of people with mental and emotional health issues. So does the church think and act like the world, or does it think and act God’s ways in the area of mental and emotional health? The ministry and writings of Rev Dr Dieter K. Mulitze, who is currently a director of Deeper Love Ministries since 1998, has sounded the trumpet a decade ago to stir the church to return to the One who alone has the words of eternal life. He authors a book entitled “Pills for the Soul?”, published in 2008.

    It is a refreshing book from a lay theologian and scientist who boldly writes from his own understanding and experiences in helping people who struggled with mental and emotional issues, many for years. He is not anti-psychiatry but his views and positions are that the healing presence of Christ is far superior than any drug or “fixing brains rather than healing souls” ways. Unfortunately the church at large has gone the ways of the world and backs up the current system unwittingly. Over the years, my experience with people as a friend or nurse supervisor has shown me that there must be a better way. My theological training did not prepare me adequately to help such people. But having read Pills for the Soul? my heart just leaped with excitement that finally there are people out there in the church community who understand.

    Deeper Love Ministries is dedicated to “healing prayer” to demonstrate the power of God’s Spirit in Jesus’ Name. The book tells many stories of individuals who were healed as Jesus was invited into their lives. This understanding lifts off a burden that I must know how to say the right prayers in ministry. It forces me to go back to Scriptures more to study the ways of Jesus. Powerful testimonies for the church to learn and emulate. If that is the case, people will be running to the churches for healing appointments.

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