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Hope and Healing for the Abused. Paul and Liz Griffin


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If you have been affected by abuse of any kind, this helpful book will allow you to understand patterns of your behaviour and will put you on a road to recovery and healing, helping you to overcome these barriers in your life.

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Many Christians carry the scars of their experiences of physical, verbal, racial, emotional, spiritual or sexual abuse.  Confusion and shame control their life as a consequence . They go through life feeling rejected and fearful of further rejection. For many, death can even become a preferable option to a life without hope. They have experiences which they are trying to forget, or don’t want to talk about. However, these experiences still influence their lives and hold them back from living the abundant life that Jesus came to bring.

Who this book is for:
• Those who have been affected by abuse of any kind. It will help those who have suffered abuse to understand themselves in a deeper way. It will help them to identify roots to problems they have not been able to solve in their life. The book will explain how abuse affects the way we relate to God, to others and to ourselves. The practical steps to freedom outlined in this book will put victims of abuse on the road to recovery and healing and will bring hope.
• Anyone involved in pastoral ministry. This teaching will equip them to bring God’s healing grace, understanding and love to hurting and broken people.

Part of Sovereign World’s Truth and Freedom series based on the renowned teaching program from Ellel Ministries International.

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