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The Truth Stick. Pam Smith


As you turn the pages of The Truth Stick, you will soon be caught up in the life-changing adventures of Ratty, Mole and Badger. They look for an answer to Ratty’s big question, “What is truth?”. In doing so they discover the amazing secrets that lie hidden in Wild Winters Wood!

A delightful, thought provoking story and a parable for the young in heart of all ages.

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As you turn the pages of The Truth Stick, you will soon be caught up in the life-changing adventures of Ratty, Mole and Badger. They look for an answer to Ratty’s big question, “What is truth?”. In doing so they discover the amazing secrets that lie hidden in Wild Winters Wood!

A delightful, thought provoking story and a parable for the young in heart of all ages.



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