This remarkable series of books by Peter Horrobin, the Founder of Ellel Ministries, is a life-transforming library which takes the reader one step at a time on a journey of personal transformation. Every book is packed with vital Bible-based teaching, insights and stories from Peter’s thirty years of ministry experience. His relational style is easy to read. He explains difficult issues in ways that make them easy to understand. Many remarkable testimonies witness to the power of the Holy Spirit ministering healing life through the teaching. While each book is complete in itself, the reader is also invited to step out on their own journey of faith and understanding as they take daily steps of faith through all eight books in the series.
Book 1 – Building on the Rock
Good foundations are critical for both buildings and our Christian lives. But many Christians have not had the opportunity to ensure that their lives truly are built on the rock of truth. So, this first volume in the series establishes a solid foundation on which to build a fulfilling and purposeful Christian life. It also prepares the ground for all the dynamic teaching that follows in subsequent volumes.
Book 2 – God, Me and the Enemy
It is vital that we know God as He really is, know ourselves as we really are and understand the strategies of the enemy to undermine the faith of believers. This ground-breaking teaching equips the saints to live a godly Christian life in relationship with the Lord and, as a result, be able to do the works of the Kingdom of God.
Book 3 – Our Faithful God
Even though man sinned, our faithful God never stopped loving his children. This book explains God’s response to man’s sin and sets out from Scripture God’s plans through the Hebrew people to send a Messiah who would be the Saviour of the World. Brings understanding to what Jesus accomplished on the cross and what that means practically for Christians today.
Book 4 – Jesus – Our Living Hope
The heart of Book 4 is, simply, Jesus. We look at the prophecies about the coming Messiah, Jesus’s early life, His temptations, the beginnings of His ministry and the call and commissioning of His disciples. Then we learn deep lessons from the final teachings Jesus shared with His disciples. A hugely practical book in the series, full of life-application teaching.
Book 5 – Jesus – Healer & Deliverer
Book 5 focuses on all the different healings that Jesus carried out and on the different healing principles we can learn from the things that Jesus said and did when healing and delivering people. We see how Jesus seamlessly blended inner healing, physical healing and deliverance ministry as He sought to bring wholeness into the lives of those who came to Him.
Book 6 – Dying to Live
All the Gospels culminate in the amazing accounts of Jesus’s death and resurrection. We look stage by stage at all that Jesus did for us on the cross and examine just what His sacrifice means for us today. The Great Commission, the life of the early church, all that Jesus taught about the end times and His coming again complete this book in the series.
Book 7 – God’s Plan for my Healing
In Book 7 we see how all the teaching of Books 1 – 6 together helps us focus on how God wants to heal each one of us on our Journey to Freedom. In a very practical way we look at the main areas of life where people most need healing and see how, through healing, God enables us to both face the reality about our past and equip us for the future He has planned for our lives.
Book 8 – My Life in God’s Hands
The last book in the series concentrates on how to live in God’s vision for our lives and how to persevere in running the marathon race that life is for each one of us. We then look at the final stages of life and the challenge of finishing our race well as we prepare for our eternal destiny and the glorious future that lies ahead for those who are in Christ Jesus.
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